
Four Great Creativity (and Life) Lessons from Vincent Van Gogh

By day I run my resume business but in my spare time, I’m working on developing a second career as an artist. It’s not easy as any artist knows, but whenever I feel daunted, I think of my favourite artist of them all, Vincent Van Gogh. Many people don’t realize that Van Gogh wasn’t born …

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The Art of Inspiring Inspiration

Here’s an interesting look at how to design your schedule for more creative inspiration and flow. I find inspiration hits at odd times but I work best if I have a routine for creative time vs. the rest of the day. What about you?

You have no idea what you are doing…and that’s good.

Author Neil Gaiman’s brilliant commencement speech at Philadelphia\’s University of the Arts. I think this statement is true for many professions: When you start out on a career in the arts you have no idea what you are doing. This is great. People who know what they are doing know the rules, and know what is …

You have no idea what you are doing…and that’s good. Read More »

Director of Fun

British 6-year-old Sam Pointon loves trains and in 2009 when he discovered the director of the National Railway Museum was retiring, he wasted no time in applying for the job. The museum has since appointed him as Director of Fun! Check out his adorable application letter below, and here\’s an interview with the big boss, …

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Danny Gregory on Creativity and Redefining Failure

Artist and writer Danny Gregory has a great post up about the gap between what we creatives want to achieve and what we actually achieve. He writes about the switch from dreaming about being a great artist/writer/musician/graphic designer/whatever to actually taking the first action – playing the first note, trying the first painting, creating the …

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Your Elusive Creative Genius

“Elizabeth Gilbert muses on the impossible things we expect from artists and geniuses — and shares the radical idea that, instead of the rare person “being” a genius, all of us “have” a genius. It’s a funny, personal and surprisingly moving talk.” Via TED website

How I have been blocking my own success (and how you might be doing the same)

A few days ago, one of my Facebook friends asked this question: ‘What assumptions are holding you back?’ The question stopped me in my tracks because just a week earlier, I had decided to drop several long-held assumptions and “go public” with my artwork. I have always drawn and painted, and over the last year …

How I have been blocking my own success (and how you might be doing the same) Read More »

The Ricky Gervais Guide to a Successful Career

After Ricky Gervais insulted most of the Hollywood elite at the 2011 Golden Globes, a friend of mine declared: “His career is over. He’ll never work in America again.” I understood where he was coming from. After all, Gervais had called Bruce Willis “Ashton Kutcher’s dad,” claimed that the President of the Hollywood Foreign Press …

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